CDT  1.4.1
C++ library for constrained Delaunay triangulation
No Matches
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 Chash< CDT::Edge >Edge hasher
 Chash< CDT::V2d< T > >
 NCDTNamespace containing triangulation functionality
 CSplitMix64RandGenSplitMix64 pseudo-random number generator
 CKDTreeSimple tree structure with alternating half splitting nodes
 CNodeStores kd-tree node data
 CBox2d2D bounding box
 CDuplicatesInfoInformation about removed duplicated vertices
 CDuplicateVertexErrorError thrown when duplicate vertex is detected during vertex insertion
 CEdgeEdge connecting two vertices: vertex with smaller index is always first
 CErrorBase class for errors
 CFinalizedErrorError thrown when triangulation modification is attempted after it was finalized
 CIntersectingConstraintEdgesEnum of strategies for treating intersecting constraint edges
 CIntersectingConstraintsErrorError thrown when intersecting constraint edges are detected, but triangulation is not configured to attempt to resolve them
 CLocatorKDTreeKD-tree holding points
 CPtLineLocationRelative location of point to a line
 CPtTriLocationLocation of point on a triangle
 CSourceLocationContains source location info: file, function, line
 CSuperGeometryTypeEnum of what type of geometry used to embed triangulation into
 CTriangleTriangulation triangle (counter-clockwise winding)
 CTriangulationData structure representing a 2D constrained Delaunay triangulation
 CV2d2D vector
 CVertexInsertionOrderEnum of strategies specifying order in which a range of vertices is inserted